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Molalla Youth Sports

Registration Listing

2025 Baseball

MYS Baseball runs from April through June. MYS runs their program through the Clackamas County Junior Baseball Association.

Registration fee includes a jersey (if needed), hat, belt and socks. You are responsible for baseball pants. You will also receive a digital copy of an individual picture and team picture at no extra cost.

Practices are 2 evening a week on a baseball field in Molalla. Games are weekday evenings through out Clackamas County and are announced once the league releases the game schedule.

Financial Assistance is available. For more information please go to this link: Financial Assistance

Please reach out to [email protected] with any financial assistance questions.
Please direct baseball questions to [email protected]

Juniors - 5th and 6th Grade

Registration closes on 03/03/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/03/2025 to 07/31/2025

Baseball Juniors 5-6 grade

2025 Season Information
2025 Registration Fees:$215.00



Clackamas Country Junior Baseball Association Website: CCJBA

Junior Baseball Organization JBO

A program designed for Boys' who are in 5th or 6th grade with the goal of continuing development of Baseball fundamental skills. Listed below is an overview of the skills coaches will be expected to teach and athletes should be able to perform the targeted skill for their appropriate grade level at the conclusion of the season. To achieve this goal, every team practice must be structured to continue building on what the athletes were introduced to in Rookies / Minors / Juniors and will need to be able to compete at the Minors / Juniors / Seniors and Molalla High School Baseball levels..

Offensive Skills:

Hitting / Bunting

Plate Discipline

Pitch Signs

Base Running

Tagging Up


Defensive Skills:



Infield Position Play


Ground Play

Fly Balls / Communication

Outfield Position Play

Steps / Angle


Fly Balls / Communication

Throwing / Catching

Game Situations:

Bunt Defense

First and Third Situations

Cut-Off Situations

Double Cut Situations

Team Sportsmanship / Unity

Having FUN!!!

All skill levels welcome.


All assigned athletes will receive hat and jersey with registration. All participants will be required to provide their own game pants, belt and socks for the season. Pants are to be black in color. Socks and belts will be orange. MYS will provide each player with a hat.


All athletes are required to wear molded cleats. Metal cleats are not permitted for this age group.


Athletes residing within the Molalla High School attendance boundary are required by CCJBA policies to register through Molalla Youth Sports.

Assessment Dates:


Team Levels:

American and National

Team Selections:

Team selections have been made by MYS Program Representatives. American level teams were selected first, followed by National. This year we were fortunate enough to have 3 teams for this age group. We felt it best to build a 6th grade and a 5th grade team to compete at the American level, and then to build 1 National team consisting of a mixture of 5th and 6th graders. Assessments were used as a large part of the decision making process. We also received feedback from many of the associations in our area that this way of player development has served them well over the years. Players will be contacted after teams and practice schedules have been finalized.


Regular season dates are TBD but last through the first week in July. If your child's team progresses onto the District and State Tournaments, your season could extend into late July.

School Closures:

No School = Does Not Effect Practice / Game Schedule


Schedule to be announced shortly. Our typical schedule consists of 2-3 weeknights for 1 ½ - 2 hours at Molalla River Middle School.


Schedule to be announced shortly. Season typically kicks off around May 1st. Games are usually scheduled on your teams pratice evenings. This may require a little flexibility based on available teams to play on those days. Score is kept during these games and is reported to CCJBA at the conclusion of these games. At this level, we are now playing competitive baseball.


Molalla, Barlow, Canby, Clackamas, Cleveland, Colton, Corbett, Country Christian, CYO Portland, Estacada, Gervais, Gladstone, Lake Oswego, Lakeridge, Mid-Valley, Milwaukie, North Marion, Oregon City, Putnam, Sellwood, Silverton, South Clackamas, Tualatin, West Linn, Whiskey Hill, Wilsonville, Woodburn

Invitational Tournaments:

Teams are encouraged to participate in tournaments on weekends. Teams are responsible for registering and paying tournament entry fees.

District / State Tournaments:

Tournament participation fees paid by MYS through league fees and no additional expense will be passed on to families.

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Molalla Youth Sports

PO Box 823 
Molalla, Oregon 97038
Phone : 503-829-3939
Email : [email protected]
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