2025 Season Information
2025 Registration fees:$225.00
Registration Dates: Dec 15, 2024 - March 3, 2025
10U/12U/14U (10 & Under, 12 & Under, 14 & Under)
Clackamas Country Girls' Softball Association Website: CCGSA

A program designed for girls ages 9 to 14 years old (see age chart above for correct player level) and the continuing development of fundamental softball skills. Listed below is an overview of the skills coaches will be expected to teach and athletes should be able to perform the targeted skill for their appropriate grade level at the conclusion of the season. To achieve this goal, every team practice must be structured to continue building on what the athletes were introduced to in 8U / 10U / 12U and will need to be able to compete at the 8U / 10U / 12U / 14U and Molalla High School Softball levels.
Offensive Skills:
- Hitting / Bunting;
- Plate Discipline;
- Pitch Signs.
- Base Running;
- Tagging Up;
- Stealing.
Defensive Skills:
- Position Play;
- Covering;
- Ground Play;
- Fly Balls / Communication.
- Position Play;
- Steps / Angle;
- Covering;
- Fly Balls / Communication.
- Throwing / Catching.
Game Situations:
- Bunt Defense
- Cut-Off Situations
- Team Sportsmanship / Unity
Having FUN!!!
All skill levels welcome.
Spring 2024: MYS softball will be using the same uniforms as the 2023 season. For new players or those that need a new jersey, you will have the option to purchase a jersey during registration for a $30.00 fee. All players will receive a new hat, belt and socks.
Please purchase a pair of black uniform pants for your player prior to the first game (May 1st).
Requirement: All athletes are required to wear non-metal cleats.
- No metal cleats allowed
- Used Cleats: MYS Softball has some donated/used cleats available - please contact the MYS Office at 503-829-3939
Player Levels:
See Chart Above
Team Selections:
- Players will be contacted after teams and practice schedules have been finalized.
School Closures:
- No School = Does Not Effect Practice Schedule
Practice: TBD - Tentatively to begin the Week after Spring Break
- 2-3 weeknights and/or weekends for 1 ½ - 2 hours at Clark Park or Sheets Field.
- Depending on the number of teams, it may be necessary to assign two teams to share an infield and open green space.
Games: 2 nights per week, schedules to be released mid-late April
Scores: Are Reported to CCGSA for Team Standings.
League: Clackamas County Girls Softball Association
Invitational Tournaments: Teams are encouraged to participate in tournaments on weekends. Teams are responsible for registering and paying tournament entry fees.
Thank you!
MYS Softball